One day, the Pope is visiting America and is being driven around Washington DC in his limo when he gets an idea.
"Driver," he says, "can I drive for a while?"
"Of course," says the driver. [How can you say 'no' to the Pope?]
So the Pope starts driving like a maniac all over town, going in and out of traffic, doing 110 km/h.
Soon a cop pulls him over. But when the Pope rolls down the window, the cop stops dead in his tracks, and goes back to the car.
"We have somebody really, really important here," he says to his partner.
"Who is it? Is it a senator?"
"No. Much more important."
"The president?"
"No. More important."
"Okay, an ambassador? Who?"
"I don't know him. But the Pope is his driver."
"Driver," he says, "can I drive for a while?"
"Of course," says the driver. [How can you say 'no' to the Pope?]
So the Pope starts driving like a maniac all over town, going in and out of traffic, doing 110 km/h.
Soon a cop pulls him over. But when the Pope rolls down the window, the cop stops dead in his tracks, and goes back to the car.
"We have somebody really, really important here," he says to his partner.
"Who is it? Is it a senator?"
"No. Much more important."
"The president?"
"No. More important."
"Okay, an ambassador? Who?"
"I don't know him. But the Pope is his driver."
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